How to Install Git on Linux?

how to install git on linux

Git is a powerful version control system that helps developers track changes in their code, collaborate with teams, and manage repositories. If you’re using Linux and want to install Git on Linux, this guide will walk you through the installation process based on your Linux distribution. Whether you’re using Ubuntu, Fedora, or another distribution, we’ve got you covered!

What is Git?

Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to track code changes, manage project history, and collaborate on coding projects. It is widely used in open-source projects and supports platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket for cloud-based repositories.

Now, let’s get started with install Git on Linux!

How to Install Git on Linux?

Method 1: Install Git on Ubuntu/Debian-based Systems

For Ubuntu, Debian, and other derivatives like Linux Mint, you can install Git easily using the APT package manager.

Step 1: Update Your Package List

Before installing Git, it’s always a good idea to update your package list to ensure you get the latest version of Git. Open your terminal and run:

sqlCopysudo apt update

Step 2: Install Git

Once the package list is updated, install Git with the following command:

Copysudo apt install git

Step 3: Verify Git Installation

After the installation is complete, confirm that Git has been successfully installed by running:

cssCopygit --version

This will display the installed version of Git.

Method 2: Install Git on Fedora-based Systems

For Fedora and other Red Hat-based distributions (like CentOS or RHEL), you can use the dnf package manager to install Git.

Step 1: Install Git Using DNF

Open your terminal and run the following command to install Git:

Copysudo dnf install git

Step 2: Verify the Installation

After installation, you can verify that Git was installed successfully by typing:

cssCopygit --version

Method 3: Install Git on Arch Linux

For Arch Linux and its derivatives (like Manjaro), use the pacman package manager to install Git.

Step 1: Install Git Using Pacman

Run the following command in your terminal:

Copysudo pacman -S git

Step 2: Verify Git Installation

To confirm the installation, check the version by typing:

cssCopygit --version
How to Install Git on Linux

Method 4: Install Git from Source (For All Linux Distros)

If you need a specific version of Git or want to compile it from source, you can download the source code and build it manually.

Step 1: Install Dependencies

First, install the required dependencies for building Git:

Copysudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev libexpat1-dev gettext unzip zlib1g-dev

Step 2: Download the Latest Git Source Code

Visit the Git website and download the latest source code, or use wget to download it directly:


Step 3: Extract the Files

Once the tarball is downloaded, extract it:

Copytar -zxf v2.34.1.tar.gz

Step 4: Compile and Install Git

Navigate to the extracted directory:

bashCopycd git-2.34.1

Then, compile and install Git with these commands:

javascriptCopymake prefix=/usr/local all
sudo make prefix=/usr/local install

Step 5: Verify Git Installation

Finally, check that Git was successfully installed by running:

cssCopygit --version

Configuring Git on Linux

Once Git is installed, you should configure it with your personal details so that your commits are correctly attributed to you.

Set Your Username

Run the following command to set your username:

arduinoCopygit config --global "Your Name"

Set Your Email

Set your email address with the command:

arduinoCopygit config --global ""

Verify Configuration

You can verify your configuration settings by typing:

luaCopygit config --list

How to Test Git on Linux?

Let’s test Git to make sure everything is set up correctly.

Create a New Git Repository

To create a new Git repository, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to a folder where you want to create the repository:bashCopycd path/to/your/folder
  2. Initialize the repository:csharpCopygit init
  3. Add a new file:sqlCopytouch git add git commit -m "Initial commit"

Clone an Existing Git Repository

You can also clone an existing Git repository from a remote platform like GitHub:

bashCopygit clone

Troubleshooting Git Installation Issues on Linux

Issue 1: Git Command Not Found

If you get an error saying that git is not recognized, it means Git may not have been installed properly. Try reinstalling Git using the package manager for your distribution, or check your PATH variable to ensure the installation directory is included.

Issue 2: Permission Errors When Using Git

If you encounter permission errors, ensure that you have the necessary access rights to the repository or directory. You might need to change the ownership or permissions of files using the chown or chmod commands.

Issue 3: Authentication Problems with GitHub

If you’re having trouble authenticating with GitHub, check that you’ve configured your SSH keys or Personal Access Token (PAT) for HTTPS. GitHub recently stopped allowing password-based authentication for Git operations, so using a token or SSH key is now required.


Install Git on Linux is simple and can be done using a variety of methods, whether you’re using a package manager like APT, DNF, or Pacman, or choosing to install Git from source. Once installed, configuring your username and email ensures your contributions are correctly tracked. Whether you’re a solo developer or working in a team, Git is an essential tool for managing your projects efficiently.

By following the steps outlined in this installation guide, you’ll have Git set up on your Linux system and be ready to start version-controlling your code.

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